

Friday, December 19, 2014



Eggs                 - 4
Purpose flour   - 1 cup
Sugar powder   - 3/4 cup
Vanilla essence - 3/4 tsp
Baking powder  - 3/4 tsp
Jam                    - 1 cup
Icing                   - 1 cup
Butter paper       - 1


1.  Beat eggs, sugar, baking powder and vanilla till thick and foamy.
2.  Fold in the flour with light movements and pour mixture into the tin.
3.  Bake in preheat oven for 10 min till a sharp knife put in comes out
     clean sprinkle icing sugar over the butter paper and keep ready while
     cake is baking.
4.  Remove cake from oven and turn it over on to the towel, top side down.
5.  Trim off the edges immediately, flatten it slightly and roll cake into a 
      scroll, along with the paper and leave to cool, when cool unroll the cake
      and remove the butter paper and spread jam over it.
6.  Re roll, leaving the cloth and arrange on to a serving dish, sprinkle with
      more icing sugar on top........*****

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